
TDDB Evaluation System PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 27 May 2009 05:44

System configuration to fit number of measurement

MSM (DC multi-source/ measure=current/ voltage, output/ monitor) board consists of 4 MSMs with independent 5W high output. 1 unit comprises 10 MSM boards, with a total of 40 MSMs. The system can be upgraded according to measurement volume up to 5 units (2OO MSMs). Upgrade can be done by adding units.

Precision current and voltage impression and measurement

Current at 9 ranges, measurement resolution of maximum current ±1OOmA, and minimum current ±1pA. Voltage at 2 ranges, resolution of maximum voltage ±50V and minimum voltage 1 mV, enabling wide and precise impression and measurement.

Measurement at minimum 10 msec

Delivers high-speed measurement for multiple channels. Measures at top speed of lO msec per 40 channels, while acquiring data.

Various evaluation items

The TDDB Evaluation System is configured for wafer level and liquid crystal glass substrate level, by effectively systemizing DC multisource/ measure. It also applies for requirements of QDB evaluation and TZDB evaluation, while FET property evaluation can also be realized by exchanging software.

MSM Simplex Performance
Voltage range Resolution Accuracy Max current
±10V 1mV ±(0.2%+10mV) 100mA
±50V 10mV ±(0.2%+50mV) 100mA
Current range Resolution Accuracy Max current
±100mA 100μA ±(0.5%+100μA+2μAx Vo) 50V
±10mA 10μA
±(0.5%+10μA+200nAx Vo)
±1mA 1μA ±(0.5%+1μA+20nAx Vo)
±100μA 100nA
±(0.5%+100nA+2nAx Vo)
±10μA 10nA ±(1.0%+10nA+200pAx Vo)
±1μA 1nA
±(1.0%+1nA+20pAx Vo)
±100nA 100pA ±(1.0%+100pA+2pAx Vo)
±10nA 10pA ±(2.0%+10pA+200fAx Vo)
±1nA 1pA ±(2.0%+1pA+20fAx Vo)
Accuracy: ±(set value or % of specified value) ±(offset), Vo: output voltage (V)
Model AMM-1000
Application OS: Windows NT TDDB Evaluation System
application range
-50V to +50V/-100mA to +100mA
Resolution 1mV step/1pA step
measurement range
-50V to +50V/-100mA to +100mA
Number of
measurement channels
Standard 40ch. Max. installment 200ch
sampling speed
By measurement averaging setting
Short mode: 0 to 100msec →10msec interval
100msec to 100sec →100msec interval
Over 100sec → 1sec interval

Medium mode: 0 to 100msec →20msec interval
100msec to 100sec →100msec interval
Over 100sec → 1sec interval

Long mode: 100msec interval
Short mode: Data acquisition without averaging
Medium Long mode: Averaging per 1cycle
External dimension
of system
System controller W650x H1300x D800mm
Control rack W570x H1100x D900mm
Required utility AC100V±10% 50/60Hz 15Ax l
AC100V±10% 50/60Hz 50Ax l
Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 May 2009 06:02